Friday, July 31, 2015

Give me a flannel

   I used to think that "flannel" just recently became a fashion trend until I read an article where it made me realize that it has been in existence for a super long time, as far back as the 16th century in Wales. Funny thing, I initially thought that it was only worn by only men but some fashion pioneers made me realize that it is a unisex material and can be worn and styled to ones liking. 

   Her way of styling the flannel is sophisticating, she brilliantly mixes masculinity and femininity to bring out the beauty of the flannel,which for one makes her outfit unique.

   Flannel has also been made to replace sheer material kimono,this particular one from Akira caught my eyes almost a year ago and I always run to it when I am short of ideas of what to wear.

   My first flannel shirt is this XXL shirt I got from the men's section at Goodwill thrift store about a year ago. It took me two months to incorporate an idea of how to style it because of how large it was on me when I first wore it. I like the fact that it is green because green is one of my go to colors or more like a khaki shade.

  Flannel shirts can either be dressed up or dressed down depending on you, and the occasion. We both have similar looking flannels but we styled them differently but wore them the same way lol. I know that I may have confused some of us with that statement,it is a brain teaser.

So yeah, have fun with flannels even if it looks like a menswear,women are at liberty to incorporate it into whatever style they choose to.

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