Friday, June 26, 2015

Same-sex marriage or our lives?

   I woke up to the news of same-sex marriage being legalized in all the 50 states of the United States of America. Yayyy!!!!! Congratulations to everyone that is going to be affected by this new declaration in a positive way.
But people,truth be told, is this really what we should be concerned about? Is this what the government is supposed to be focusing on? 

   Wait, let me understand something, since the government has finally decided to legalize this,what of the nine lives that were lost at Charleston,Emmanuel church shooting? What of the family members of the victims that were taken away from them?What of us that are living in fear of being victims of circumstance? and most important, what of Dylann Roof? What are they (government) saying about the situation? Are you all not wondering why we not hearing anything about the case?
   That aside, what of gun control and police brutality? It has been years since the government has been going back and forth about gun control and police brutality but nothing has been done about the situation. Do not get me wrong, I am excited for the LGBT community but truthfully, I really do not care about the government legalizing same-sex marriage and it is not because of I am in support or against homosexuality. I do not care about it because it is not going to affect me anyway and generally,it is not important to the people of this nation as at now. For instance, let us say as same-sex marriage has been legalized then you choose to go get married to your partner,after the ceremony,you coming out of the court or church and one of you gets struck by a stray bullet,what are you going to say? Who are you going to blame?Yea, that is just one scenario out of a zillion that are most likely to happen as long as the government refuses to focus on important situations like gun control and police brutality. We need help because we obviously do not know how to set our priorities straight. Call me crazy, I believe to enjoy things of the world, we need our lives that is we need to be alive. But when we do not which maniac is about to go on a gun shooting spree or if trying to give my neighbor a parking ticket and he gets shot on the chest by the police, this legalizing of same-sex marriage is useless.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Outfits to school with a touch of white.

My outfits to school for the week of 09/23/2015-09/25/2015.

This week started in a beautiful way, I took a quiz that I was not mentally ready for but surprisingly,I passed the quiz. Unfortunately,I could not take a picture of the outfit I wore on Monday because a friend of mine mistakenly put his finger in my eyes,yeah,I was blind for 5 minutes.

The weather was indecisive so I decided to play along with it by wearing my American Apparel Kimono that I have had for a year with a white skirt turned into a strapless top and high waist skirt I got from Ali xpress,my shoes, I cannot remember where exactly I got them from.

The sun decided to smile on the Windy City a day after its indecisiveness.Here, I have on a white peplum top I got from Charlotte Russe over a white pair of trousers I bought from Target and a pair of sandals from forever 21, wearing this shirt dress from Akira was a good decision because the sun later went down and the weather became chilly. Welcome to Chicago!!!
I just noticed that all my outfits has a touch of white. This was a last minute outfit that I put together after waking up an hour late for class. A denim shirt my beautiful mother got for me over a mixed print skater skirt I got from Unique Thrift Store and a pair of toms from Urban outfitters.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Together we stand

 I was going to write about " forgiveness" but my heart is just too heavy to ignore the way I feel about this current situation. Although, I will cover the topic "forgiveness" in my next blogpost, I want to express my thoughts and opinions because we do not know what tomorrow has in store for us. To the matter on ground, I am so sick and tired of living in constant fear. I am tired of turning on my television to a berserk news of how colored people are being maltreated,executed,assasinated,arrested, and denied of their rights. "Colored people" does not mean black people in this context. I am generalizing the term "colored people" to qualify any skin color that is not white meaning that I am talking about those of us that are Mixed, Albinos, Caucasians and any other skin color other than white. Recent happenings have left me in a awe, it is annoying when I read a post,I check people's responses and read some people's comment that says "Must colored people always make a  reference to race", excuse me, if I as a black woman commits a crime and I get a different treatment from what a white woman that commits the same crime with me receives, I am definitely going to say the color of my skin played a huge role in determining our different treatments. One thing that we should all understand, this issue of "race" has been in play for a super long time.  So, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that colored people get different treatments from others but still, in this jet age, when the most powerful president is a black man, it is a shame that such is still happening.
    The justice system has been constructed in a way that it does not serve and protect colored people as it is supposed to. A recent happening, where four black parole officers who were carrying out their assignments were surrounded by armed white cops with their guns pointed at the four black parole officers tells that ones educational, financial, marital, or health status has nothing to do with the way you are treated, ones treatment by the society solely depends on the color of their skin. Most of the videos that I watch about cops manhandling people, I noticed that most of them resisted arrest, which is where we make mistakes. When you are being approached by a uniformed personnel, comply with them but still exercise your human rights like asking questions such as Am I under arrest? Do you have a warrant to search me? Am I being accused of a crime? in a well mannered way so as not to give them an excuse to turn you into a punching bag. Still, even if a person doesn't comply, I see no reason why force has to be exerted by the police. There are other ways to resolve issues of that nature that will not lead to death or the person being bed ridden. Wise up everybody!!!!! 
   Another concern, the police are doing theirs, some whites are doing theirs but what of us,colored people? I came home last night from school and I was told that my younger brother's school mate was shot to death when he was taking the trash out of his sister's apartment, I went on Facebook and I saw different news post about young black teenagers killed by guns or knives. Children are the leaders of tomorrow,right? Why do we not let these children grow? Why do we have to resolve everything with violence? We are a little fraction of this society, yet we are killing ourselves? Where in the world as violence resolved anything? I want to grow old, I want my siblings, and loved ones to grow old. It has become a daily prayer, I whisper to myself when I walk along the street, I say it when I look at the clock and my siblings and parent are not back by 7pm. I want to stop living in fear of losing someone I love to this barbaric act. We should all come together as one to put an end to this barbaric act. Peace and unity can go a long if we put it into practice, let us put aside hate and jealousy. Work on yourself as an individual, control your anger issues, fight the temptation of always resulting to violence and pray to God for guidance.