Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kids should age gracefully

  Remember dress ups and trying to look like our mothers, older sisters, fathers and older brothers,remember sneaking into your mother's makeup box to play with her makeup or wearing her jewelries that you thought are not expensive enough to get you whooped, these are the childhood memories that most of us grown folks are going to miss and what the children of this generation are not going to experience.Every child should be allowed to go through the path of growth,nurtured and groomed by their parents and family members. Let these children grow before you let them dress up in adult outfits and wear makeup. It is appalling to see what social media has turned some parents into,yes, blame it on social media because everybody is in a competition with each other. Kids of nowadays are looking more  like their mothers' age mates instead of looking like the babies that they are.We are meant to age gracefully, infants->toddlers-> adolescents->teenagers->adults, not from infants->adolescents-> adults. As parents, we set examples for our kids to follow, you may not know but our children follow and imitate our every move. When a child is doing something wrong,you punish and correct them but what I am seeing now, is really a huge cause for alarm. If that child ends up being pregnant at the age of 15,who do you think will be blamed for it? Do not leave your child to be trained by social media because they will learn what they are not meant to learn at a young age.

  What is this folks???? What is wrong with this picture above? The answer is nothing and everything. Buy your kids fancy clothes, shoes and let them have nice hairdo,no problem. But styling your kid like this? Sorry to say, it is bad parenting. First of all, this child is sagging his pants, then his posture,what does this kid know? Absolutely nothing,everything this child knows is what he is being taught in his household  and what he watches on television. Then compare the above picture to this one below...
  My guess is that these children are probably of the same age but the difference is clear on who anybody will pick and say that he is from a responsible home, that alone is based on their appearances. Yea, I know that appearance is not all that matters but remember,dress the way you want to be addressed.
  Can someone please tell the parents of these kids to let them grow up before they start dressing them up like adolescents, teenagers and adults!!! Yeah,I will keep repeating it because that is where the problem starts from.

  Everything is a process and step,you cannot jump into another phase of life when you are not mentally,physically,and emotionally ready. Just as parents we represent our kids,so do our kids represent us in public.
  Give their growth time,I know that the  world is fashion and fame crazy but that should not be what kids should be bothered about. Education, good characters, games,sports,toys and attitude grooming are what these babies should be focused on. The time will come when as parents we will leave them to face the world independently,whatever they learn now under our watchful eyes is what will determine their survival in this harsh but friendly world.


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